I’m absolutely thrilled to connect with you through this blog post. If you’re new to my content, welcome to the world of faith, love, and all things centered around our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Here, I testify, share my experiences, and dive deep into the incredible journey of faith that we’re all navigating together. As the Bible says, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony. So, let’s dive right into the heart of the matter.
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Today, I want to share something quite different from my usual content. This is the first time I’m writing about an ongoing experience I’m currently living through. I believe that God’s lessons are meant to be shared in all their raw and real forms, which is why I want to take you along on my current journey. Recently I’ve been prompted by the Holy Spirit to share my experiences as they unfold, rather than waiting for a neatly wrapped conclusion.
This isn’t about showcasing triumphs and successes after the fact. It’s about embracing the process, even when it doesn’t make sense, and recognizing that God is with us every step of the way.
So, let’s rewind a bit. If you’ve been following my journey, you might remember a video I made a while back about God leading me to quit my nursing job. If you missed it , you can check out that post here .
Right now I find myself in a similar situation, yet different. This time, it’s about God telling me to leave my nurse practitioner job.
I began my nurse practitioner career in January 2020, full of excitement and anticipation. However, as we all remember, 2020 brought unprecedented challenges, and COVID turned everything upside down. My job as a nurse practitioner took a toll on me emotionally, mentally, and even physically. The increased acuity of patients, coupled with unique challenges, made my days incredibly demanding.
Fast forward to my vacation in September 2021 after getting married. That break gave me the opportunity to step away from work, and during that time, I sensed God’s voice more clearly. It was then that I received an email offering me a student loan forgiveness program, which would wiped away $50,000 The only catch? I had to commit to two more years at my current job.
As I returned from vacation, a whisper from God tugged at my heartstrings: “It’s time to go.” It was a recurring whisper, an impression, a gentle urging that I couldn’t ignore. Despite my hesitations, I submitted my resignation letter and left my job in January 2022.
Now, why am I sharing all of this? Because this story isn’t wrapped up in a neat bow just yet. I’m currently in a space where I don’t have the next step laid out for me. And that’s okay. It’s a reminder that God doesn’t always reveal the entire plan at once, and that’s where faith and obedience come into play.
During this wilderness season, I’ve learned invaluable lessons that I want to pass on to you.
- Trust in God’s guidance and be obedient to His instructions, even when they don’t align with your logical thinking. By following God’s direction, you’re demonstrating your faith and reliance on Him.
- Another vital lesson is the value of rest. Taking time to recharge and settle yourself in Him is essential. In fact, settling means to arrange yourself in a fixed position, to come to rest, and to make quiet and calm. When I surrendered my control, stopped applying for jobs, and leaned into rest, I found clarity I hadn’t experienced before.
Trusting God’s plan and provision, even in uncertain times, has been both humbling and faith-building. As I navigate this journey without a predetermined destination, I’m reminded of Psalm 91:1, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” This verse embodies the refuge and security I’ve found in God during this season.
I want to encourage each of you to reflect on the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your own lives.
Are you being called to rest in Him?
Is there an area where you need to relinquish control and trust His leading, even if it doesn’t make sense at the moment?
Remember, faith and obedience are the foundation of our walk with God. Just as I’m journeying through this chapter of my life, you’re also on a unique path filled with challenges and triumphs. Let’s walk this journey together, leaning on the ever-present love and guidance of our Heavenly Father.
This blog post was only a snippet of what I shared in the video. Make sure you check out the video to get the complete story.
I hope you enjoyed this post and video. Until next time…
Leigh C
If you have a question or a topic you’d like me to write about or do a video on, please submit to “Ask Leigh”
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