“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Today my co-worker told me that she sees my transformation in God. She said that she’s never seen a transformation happen so fast in a person, in her entire life. She knew me when I was in my worldly mess and now she sees the goodness of the Lord in my life. I told her that this is just a byproduct of 1 decision that I made. The decision to completely submit my life to God!
WOW God Wow…..
I feel new because I AM NEW. Refreshed by your word and filled with your spirit. You have taken me from a foolish, worldly, immature woman who was going on a downward spiral of insecurity, cloudiness, faithlessness and ignorance. Yes, a downward trajectory of nothingness, which would have led me to the same story of fruitlessness over and over again and IF I finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity to be founded by God again, I would be living a life that was never meant to be my portion. BUT GOD! But God saved me, But GOD delivered me, BUT God set ME free. I am thankful for him finding me in just the right place at just the right time.
Where would I be if I was still stuck in that place?
I wouldn’t be anywhere closer to where God purposed me to be so I thank him for rescuing me. God, thank you for saving me from myself. Thank you for making me new so that I can share my testimony with others.
My testimony is this…
I was unhappy. Tired of looking for love. I eventually stopped believing that love was even real. I subjected myself to the thought that I would have to settle for someone less than what I thought I deserved all because I never found what I was looking for. But, what was I looking for? At the time, I didn’t even understand what love really was. I was looking for something that I didn’t know the meaning of, so how would I even recognize it when I saw it?!
I was lost. I always felt like something was missing, but I didn’t exactly know what it was. I had what I thought to be a “relationship with God”, so it couldn’t be that, right? I didn’t realize how spiritually unhealthy I was. How far away from God I had gotten! How I didn’t really have faith in him at all! How I was in bondage and full of insecurities! I didn’t know who I was.
I was blind. I missed God so many times. I was always looking for a sign, but so oblivious to the signs that he was giving me. He was pulling on me, tugging at my heart, trying to arrest my attention the entire time and yet, I ignored him.
BUT God!
“He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3
He saved me with his grace. For he is the God of many chances. Giving me more chances than I will ever deserve. Through him I am forgiven, my sins redeemed. He has delivered my soul from the despair I had been placing myself in.
Because of him I know unconditional love. The type of love that forgives my wrongs. The type of love that never fails and always perseveres. He holds me like a baby being held in her father’s arms as she is suspended in air. His love always protects.
I was founded and made new. He was constantly offsetting my obliviousness with his steadfast love. He sought me out tirelessly, rescued me from my ignorance and revived my soul.
I see clearly. I am confident. I am strong. I am made perfect in his image. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
The Lord’s love, his worD, is like fresh water when you are dry, he restores your strength. It is as if I have been drenched with a bucket of water, COMPLETELY refreshed by the LORD.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Until next time…
Leigh C
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What an awesome testimony! I like that you attribute your life now to one decision that you made! How amazing is that?? God bless you!
Thanks Stephanie for taking the time to read and to share on your fb page. I greatly appreciate it. 🙂 My relationship with God literally came down to one decision I made. If it not had been for that one decision, I would not be where I am today.